MONDAY, JANUARY 27 4:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EHOVE CAREER CENTER, MILAN Enjoy a night at the spa with EHOVE cosmetology students Many services such as manicure, peicure, facial, waxing, haircuts Prices will depend on services, please make sure to bring enough money Pick up time may be earlier or later depnding on length of …
Chick Fil A
4661 Milan Rd, Sandusky, United States
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 9:00 AM TO 10:15 AM CHICK FIL A SANDUSKY $10.00 Come play BINGO and enjoy breakfast BINGO is free to play, cost is for breakfast *All participants must register in advance for in-person activities. Please use (419) 502-4180 or to register. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*
Books A Million
4313 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH, United States
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM BOOKS-A-MILLION, SANDUSKY $10.00 Time for ladies to get together and chat about life Bring money for your drink and any other purchases *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving …
Cheers Sports Bar & Grill
4313 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH, United States
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 12:00 PM TO 1:30 PM CHEERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL, SANDUSKY $5.00 Play pool with a group at Cheers Please bring quarters so we can split the cost for the pool tables Bring extra money if you would like to play darts or purchase food/drink *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR …
CInemark Stadium
4314 MIlan Road, Sandusky, OH, United States
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 3:00 PM TO 8:00 PM CINEMARK THEATER, SANDUSKY $35.00 Start and end time may vary Movie is an action, adventure Dinner is at Olive Garden Cost is for movie and dinner only, bring extra if you would like to purchase movie snacks *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE …
Tech Home
2205 Campbell St, Sandusky, OH, United States
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 3:30 PM TO 5:00 PM ECBDD TECH HOME, SANDUSKY Cornbread & Chili Survival cooking is easy, delicious meals with minimal ingredients Easy to read recipies and cookbooks will be handed out to take home and use Everyone pitches in for cleanup *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE …
Osborn Metro Park Roger Johnson Nature Center
3910 Perkins Avenue, Huron, OH
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 5:15 PM TO 6:30 PM OSBORN PARK , HURON Hear folklore stories & learn why we make wishes on dandelions Enjoy a guest speaker with Erie Metro Parks *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals …
Sandusky Mall
4314 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH, United States
THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM SANDUSKY MALL Learn about current men's styles Try on some new clothing and see how amazing you can look Find an outfit or accessories to impress at "Night to Shine" or everyday Shop around different stores in town Bring as much money as you would like to …
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:00 AM TO 2:00 PM VERMILION LIBRARY The Chocolate Fest is back! Taste chocolates through the library Lunch at the Soda Shoppe Check out the ice sculptures and downtown and more *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections …
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Use Canva to make a digital Valentine's Day card for yourself and others *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*