MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Give Back Committee & help plan our give back efforts for 2025 List fundraiser ideas *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 2:30 PM TO 3:30 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY We will be reading the book, "Twilight" Join us at the library for some reading fun and discussion *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 3:30 PM TO 5:00 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Monthly meeting for Erie CORE *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services* Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 872 9944 1770
Books A Million
4313 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH, United States
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM SANDUSKY MALL Men's shopping time, find your final details and accessories before Night To Shine Stroll the stores at the Mall, try on new clothing styles, find smells and self care items Event is for men only Bring as much money as you would like to spend …
Cedar Point Sports Center
2701 Cleveland Rd, Sandusky, OH
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 3:00 PM TO 4:00 PM CEDAR POINT SPORTS CENTER, SANDUSKY Walk the indoor track at Cedar Point Sports Center You MUST sign in and register at the front desk Get some steps in for the new year!! Please wear tennis shoes *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE …
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 5:00 PM TO 7:30 PM GOLDEN CORRAL, SANDUSKY Come play games with friends at Golden Corral Cost is $13 including buffet and drink Bingo cards are sold separately for $1.00 each You do not have to bring money if you don't want to order food and just want to play games *ALL …
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 10:30 AM TO 12:00 PM SANDUSKY GREENHOUSE Warm up in the greenhouse This week we will make a diamond art project *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*
Cheers Sports Bar & Grill
4313 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH, United States
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1:00 PM TO 2:30 PM CHEERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL, SANDUSKY $5.00 Play pool with a group at Cheers Please bring quarters so we can split the cost for the pool tables Bring extra money if you would like to play darts or purchase food/drink *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR …
Tech Home
2205 Campbell St, Sandusky, OH, United States
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 3:15 PM TO 4:45 PM ECBDD TECH HOME, SANDUSKY Ravioli and Meat Sauce Survival cooking is easy, delicious meals with minimal ingredients Easy to read recipies and cookbooks will be handed out to take home and use Everyone pitches in for cleanup *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE …
WEDNESDAY, |FEBRUARY 5 5:15 PM TO 8:30 PM COLD CREEK CAFE, CASTALIA $25.00 Enjoy a Swiss steak dinner with friends 10 games of BINGO for cool prizes *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*