UNO or Yahtzee at the Pop Shop

The POP! Shop 3104 Milan Ave, Sandusky, OH

THURSDAY, MARCH 28 2:30 PM TO 4:00 PM THE POP! SHOP, SANDUSKY Play UNO or Yahtzee at the Pop Shop *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*

Trivia at the Bait House

Bait House Brewery 223 Meigs St, Sandusky, OH

THURSDAY, MARCH 28 6:30 PM TO 8:30 PM BAIT HOUSE BREWERY, SANDUSKY Enjoy good food and trivia with friends. Share your knowledge and help us win Trivia is free but you will need money for food and drinks. Please remember to include a tip *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE …


Office Closed: Good Friday

Office closed in observation of Good Friday on Friday, March 29. Business hours will resume Monday, April 1. If you need assistance, please call our Crisis Hotline: (419) 626-1752

April Fool’s Day Hike

Osborn Metro Park Roger Johnson Nature Center 3910 Perkins Avenue, Huron, OH

MONDAY, APRIL 1 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM OSBORN PARK FROST CENTER, HURON Don't get fooled on this April Fool's Day hike Guided with Erie Metroparks *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*

Dream Vacation Vision Boards

Sandusky Library 114 West Adams St, Sandusky, OH

MONDAY, APRIL 1 1:00 PM TO 2:30 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Envision your dream vacation Practice your computer skills & learn more about Canva Canva is an online tool to make all sorts of cool flyers, pictures, and more *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. …

Social Committee Meeting

Sandusky Library 114 West Adams St, Sandusky, OH

MONDAY, APRIL 1 1:30 PM TO 2:30 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Come plan our next social event for spring/summer Bring ideas and thoughts on fun get togethers *All participants must register in advance for in-person activities. Please use (419) 502-4180 or to register. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*

Beyond the Book: Book Club

Sandusky Library 114 West Adams St, Sandusky, OH

MONDAY,  APRIL 1 2:30 PM TO 3:30 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY We will be reading "Treasure Island" Join us at the library for some reading fun and crafts Come see what it is about, hosted by the library *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration …

Erie CORE Meeting

Sandusky Library 114 West Adams St, Sandusky, OH

MONDAY, APRIL 1 3:30 PM TO 5:00 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Monthly meeting for Erie CORE Bring your favorite joke to share for April Fool's Day meeting *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO REGISTER. Registration through community connections is for Individuals receiving our services*   Join …

Easy Walk at Old Woman Creek & DQ

Old Woman Creek 2514 Cleveland Rd E, Huron, OH

TUESDAY, APRIL 2 10:30 AM TO 1:00 PM OLD WOMAN CREEK, HURON Easy, low-effort stroll View the spring birds and & plants at Old Woman Creek Enjoy a lunch at Huron DQ (hike is free, bring money for lunch) *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES. PLEASE USE (419) 502-4180 OR COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS@ERIECBDD.ORG TO …


Practice & Play Pool

Zippy's Pool Hall 5500 Milan Road Suite 210, Sandusky, OH, United States

TUESDAY, APRIL 2 3:30 PM TO 5:00 PM ZIPPY'S POOL HALL, SANDUSKY Practice and play pool Please bring one dollar bills so we can split the cost for the pool tables Bring extra money if you would like to purchase food/drink For both beginners and advanced players *ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR IN-PERSON …
