37. Spring Bucket List

Sweet Cheekz Cafe 215 E Water St, Sandusky, OH, United States

FRIDAY, MARCH 21 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM SWEET CHEEKZ CAFE, SANDUSKY  Make a bucket list of all your favorite spring activities Check out this NEW coffee shop, bring money …

40. Smart Shopper

Erie County Board of Developmental Disabilities 4405 Galloway Rd, Sandusky, OH

MONDAY, MARCH 24 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM MEET @ ERIE COUNTY BOARD OF DD We will go to three different stores in town to compare prices Price meal ideas, …

46. Puzzle Hangout

Sandusky Library 114 West Adams St, Sandusky, OH

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM SANDUSKY LIBRARY Hang out at the Sandusky Library, work on the puzzle, check out the new books, and other library events *ALL …